Sunday 30th of April 2023

River Anglers Conservation Group Constitution

  1. Title
    “The River Anglers’ Conservation Group”.
  2. Objectives
    The objectives of the group shall be:
  3. a) To promote the sustainable management and conservation of rivers and riverine habitats, for the benefit of river biota, angling, swimming, kayaking, dogs, and all others who enjoy clean and safe rivers.

The aims we wished to achieve have been curtailed by upper tiers, thus rendering our group to “protest” as opposed to “invest” in certain areas of our river’s health.

We aim to mainly focus on the clean-up of our rivers, removing items such as shopping trolleys, vehicle tyres and any other items that do not belong there.

We also aim to support financially, and physically, when possible, other river related projects by others, when requested to do so.

  1. b) To secure effective consultation and collaboration with key UK organisations, including but not limited to conservation groups, angling clubs/ societies and fisheries to ensure the needs and interests of both lotic systems and their users are met.
    c) To provide opportunities for social contact between river anglers and other interested parties.
    d) To work/consult with like-minded groups outside of the UK to facilitate and promote knowledge transfer on relevant global issues and threats to riverine ecosystems and so, fisheries.
  2. Membership

The group shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, R&C officer, Website manager and social media manager. One individual may fulfil several roles temporarily if no other individuals are available. The qualifications and currency of the foregoing categories of membership shall be as follows:
a) Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, R&C officer, Website manager and social media manager – Such persons selected by the membership to lead, organise, and manage the affairs of the group and promote its (as herein defined) ideals for such period as may be determined by the group membership. One individual may fulfil several roles temporarily if no other individuals are available.
b) Membership – Every person who has the health/wellbeing of our rivers and waterways as their priority is welcome to become a member and contributor to the group.
c) All members shall abide by the group`s Code of Conduct.

  1. Committee
  2. a) The management of the affairs of the group shall be exercised by a Committee composed of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, R&C officer, Website manager and social media manager. One individual may fulfil several roles temporarily if no other individuals are available.

    b) Committee members shall be appointed as required by the Founding Committee. The Committee may co-opt such further members as it considers to be appropriate to serve as voting members of the Committee or as advisers on aspects of the group’s activities for such period as the Committee shall determine from time to time. All committee positions, subsequent to the founding committee, shall be filled by election, to be held at the group’s annual general meeting.
    c) No Committee member shall be removed from office prior to the end of his or her period of office without a majority vote of all voting Committee members.
    d) As per Paragraph 4b, the group shall hold an annual general meeting every 12 months, at which elections will take place for all committee positions. All candidates must be formally proposed and seconded by an existing member of the group at the Annual General meeting.
    e) Arrangements for meetings of the Committee and the way it manages the affairs of the group shall be determined from time to time by the Committee in its absolute discretion. All decisions of the Committee which involve the administration of funds of the group shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the Committee present, and in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote. The quorum for such decisions shall be three and shall include at least one member detailed in paragraph 4a).

  3. Rules
    The Committee may from time to time make, repeal, or amend rules and regulations as it shall consider expedient for the proper management of the affairs of the group, and the conduct of the members. All rules and regulations made by the Committee shall be binding upon all members following publication of notice thereof.
  4. Alteration and interpretation of Constitution

The Committee may alter, amend, or rescind this Constitution should the membership see fit, after a full consultation and favourable vote. Any matter not dealt with by this constitution and any case of doubt as to its interpretation shall be referred to the Committee whose decision shall be final.

  1. Meetings
  2. a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the group on a date, time and place to be determined by the Committee and notified in the group’s social media platforms, provided that the date of publication is at least 28 days prior to the date of the meeting.
    b) The Committee may convene a Special General Meeting or Emergency General Meeting should it consider it necessary to do so, the date, time and place of such meeting to be notified by correspondence on the group social media platforms. In the case of correspondence, notification shall be deemed to have been made on the date the correspondence is sent.
    c) Any failure to comply with the notification requirements of paragraph 8b) shall not render the proceedings a nullity provided that all reasonable efforts to comply have been made.
    d) All members of the group shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the group.
    e) The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting of the group shall include:
    Address by the Chairperson.
    II. Receipt and adoption of the Committee’s report of the general progress of the group.
    III. Presentation and adoption of the audited accounts of the group.
    IV. The appointment of any new Chairperson of the group proposed by the members.
    V. Such other business as the Committee and/or members may determine.
  3. Accounts and Audit
    a) The group is a non-profit making organisation. The profit surplus shall be re-distributed to other worthy and commendable bodies as the committee feel fit for purpose into river projects as a gesture after proposing each members a full refund for their last 12 months membership with a week notice in case the group came to dissolution.
    b) The financial year of the group shall be April to April and the accounts of the group shall be, as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year, audited by a competent member appointed for that purpose by the Committee.